Add your craft shop to this directory

Join Our Free Online Craft Directory

Please be aware that although the following form is simple to complete, it does require considerable care when providing a description of your business. For this reason we recommend that you spare at least 20 minutes to complete the process.

Unfortunately, failure to follow our guidelines could mean that you submission is permanently rejected.

If you're wondering whether your shop is eligible for a listing, simply tell us about your business. We'll get back to you as soon as we can... which is often the same day.

Business name
Business specialism
Suggest a category
Address 1
Address 2
Address 3
Telephone number
Please describe your business

Profile Guidelines – Please Read Carefully

We work hard to keep the quality of this directory high. For this reason we only accept shops that provide comprehensive, well written, 100% unique descriptions that have not been copied from anywhere else online, even your own website.

Please ensure that you do:

• write at least 150 words
• use full sentences and no bullet points
• use impeccable spelling, grammar and punctuation
• write as if someone else is talking about your shop
• avoid adjectives such as "best" or "cheapest"
• ensure that your description is 100% unique.

Please ensure that you do not:

• include sales-pitches
• include specific prices or time-limited offers
• use any of the text that you already publish on your website.

The following words and characters are not allowed:

• ”I”, “We”, “Our” “Us”, “My” “!”, “£”, “%"

Your logo We will contact you if a logo is required

Your first name
Your second name
Your email address This is for our own records and will not be published.

By submitting the above details, you will benefit from a free listing in the most appropriate location page.

Upgrade your listing for free
If you wish to benefit from a dramatically increased exposure in this directory and would like a prominent placement in a category of your choice, we recommend you consider upgrading to a free enhanced listing.

Tell me about enhanced listings